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Select Tickets:

Select Day:
  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Wednesday, October 9, 7 and 8.30 pm

Between Strings

Between Strings | Premiere


Dive into the world of Between Strings! Experience the premiere of Kirstine Lindemann's composition String Theory on October 9, 2024, at 7 and 8.30 pm at mumok, followed by additional concert dates. The piece invites you to explore the connection between sound, space, and movement in a completely new way. Enjoy the unique atmosphere and the innovative interplay of the ensemble between feathers.


Participation in the premiere concerts is free of charge. As there is a limited number of seats available, registration is required.

Currently fully booked.