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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €


Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

September 10, 2015 to April 24, 2016

Prosperous Poison
On the Feminist Appropriation of the Austrian Unconscious

Blühendes Gift

Carte blanche for students and teachers in the Master in Critical Studies at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. From September 10, 2015, they will be showing their own view of the mumok collection, in an exhibition entitled Prosperous Poison. Five overlapping and intersecting exhibitions will be presented on two levels of the museum: Schlachten Material Prothesen, Imitating the Imitations of the Imitators, Taking Pictures of the Boys, Love and Taking Care: Capitalistic Yoga and Anger Issues

Most of the works shown are from the collection of post-1945 art, presenting motifs, gestures and movements in five chapters that together make up a puzzling whole. In preparing and curating this exhibition, the contradictory diversity of the mumok collection was not sacrificed in favor of one overarching theme. Instead impulses and emotions that the material inspires were named and clustered, so as to articulate the gaps and repetitions besides the works selected, and also their function within the mumok collection design.

Published on September 9, 2015