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    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €


Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm


Rojava Film Commune

Rojava Film Commune



The Rojava Film Commune is a collective of filmmakers founded in 2015 and based in the autonomous region of Rojava, northern Syria. Darên Bi Tenê (The Lonely Trees) and Evîn Di Rûyê Qirkirinê De (Love in The Face Of Genocide) are two documentaries about the traditional forms of singing (Dengbêj) in Kurdistan, and in Rojava and Shengal in particular. We choose to showcase these two films together, given that they are part of a series of documentaries that the Rojava Film Commune has been working on. These two works cover different topics: Evîn Di Rûyê Qirkirinê De is about the love songs that have preserved the history of the Ezidies and particularly the genocides they have undergone. Darên Bi Tenê, on the other hand, is about the way multiple languages and cultures coexist in Rojava and how they share similarities in the traditional ways of singing. Thus, the program brings together two different films, both of which highlight the significance of oral traditions in the preservation of culture and history.





Rojava Film Commune,
Darên Bi Tenê (The Lonely Trees), 2017, 43 min
Evîn Di Rûyê Qirkirinê De (Love in The Face Of Genocide), 2019, 52 min


Introduction by Constanze Ruhm, followed by a conversation with members of the Rojava Film Commune (in English)


Constanze Ruhm is a filmmaker, artist, and professor of Art and Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her films and installations investigate the relation of cinema, new media, and the archive, often with an emphasis on the subjects of casting and rehearsal. They focus on issues of representation, performativity, and their reciprocal relation to feminist historiography.


In cooperation with the Department of Art and Digital Media at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna