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    0,00 €
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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Bachler, Josef


Object description Pencil on paper
Object category sculpture
Objektmaß: height: 10,5 cm, width: 15 cm
Trägerpapier: height: 30 , width: 40
Year of acquisition 1985
Inventory number G 615/56
Creditline mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Die Künstler aus Gugging, Sammlung Leo Navratil
Rights reference Privatstiftung Künstler aus Gugging Art Brut KG, Galerie Gugging
Further information about the person Bachler, Josef [GND]

The pencil drawings of Josef Bachler, born in 1914, died1979, are worked with almost uncompromising contour lines. This can be seen in works such as ‘Hund’ [Dog]. He drew the animal in clear contours on white paper. The process follows no depictive conventions, the lines are naïf, almost childish, and human facial expressions shine through in the animal heads. Bachler always titled, signed and dated his few graphic works, making them clearly recognisable. The noticeable full stops between the words appear to typographically emphasise their clarity.