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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

From July 5, 2024

Frederick Kiesler
Endless House

Frederick Kiesler. Endless House

In January 2017, the collectors Gertraud and Dieter Bogner made an exceptional donation to mumok: a set of approximately thirty works by the Austrian American architect, artist, set designer, designer, and theoretician Frederick Kiesler. Starting on July 5, 2024, a revised arrangement of the small permanent presentation of Kiesler’s oeuvre will now surround one of his major pieces from the mumok collection, the Endless House from 1959, with a series of works from the holdings of the Friedrick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation.

Curated by Marie-Therese Hochwartner and Gerd Zillner

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Friedrich Kiesler
Modell des Endless House, 1950
70 x 130 x 68 cm
concrete and meshed wire
Collection Dieter and Gertraud Bogner at mumok, since 2017
Photo: mumok
© Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung, Wien 


Friedrich Kiesler
Modell des Endless House, 1950
70 x 130 x 68 cm
concrete and meshed wire
Collection Dieter and Gertraud Bogner at mumok, since 2017
Photo: mumok
© Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler-Privatstiftung, Wien 


02 Exhibition view
02 Exhibition view

Exhibition view
Friedrich Kiesler. Endless House
Photo: mumok / Klaus Pichler




Exhibition view
Friedrich Kiesler. Endless House
Photo: mumok / Klaus Pichler




03 Exhibition view
03 Exhibition view

Exhibition view
Friedrich Kiesler. Endless House
Photo: mumok / Klaus Pichler




Exhibition view
Friedrich Kiesler. Endless House
Photo: mumok / Klaus Pichler




Katharina Murschetz
T:+43-1-525 00-1400
F:+43 1 52500-1300

Katharina Kober
T:+43-1-525 00-1309
F:+43 1 52500-1300

Published on December 18, 2023