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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €
Due to renovation work, not all exhibition levels are accessible. Detailed information on the current exhibitions and admission prices can be found here.
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

July 5 to August 11, 2024

nowhere / now here
A Performance Festival

nowhere / now here

In cooperation with ImPulsTanz, mumok will present a jointly curated "performance festival" in summer 2024. Eight contemporary choreographers such as Trajal Harrell, Dana Michel and Eszter Salamin not only occupy the gallery level with live performances but also enter into a dialogue with historic performative film works from the mumok collection from the 60s and 70s. The festival thus also negotiates the question of how to archive ephemeral art forms that not only address but outright embody presence, the present, and change. 

nowhere / now here. A Performance Festival is curated by Marianne Dobner, the live programme by Christine Standfest (ImPulsTanz).

The performance festival culminates in Nikima Jagudajev’s performative exhibition Basically, curated by Marianne Dobner.


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A black and white photo shows a block of houses in the background. There are 2 people in the foreground. A woman is standing at the back left and a man further to the front right. Both are stretching their hands towards the sky like a V.
01 Jonas
01 Jonas

Joan Jonas
Songdelay, 1973 
Film still
16mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 18:35 min
Camera: Robert Fiore
Editing: Robert Fiore, Joan Jonas
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2012
© Joan Jonas / Bildrecht, Wien 2024


Joan Jonas
Songdelay, 1973 
Film still
16mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 18:35 min
Camera: Robert Fiore
Editing: Robert Fiore, Joan Jonas
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2012
© Joan Jonas / Bildrecht, Wien 2024


02 Schneemann
02 Schneemann

Carolee Schneemann
Snows, 1967
Film still
16mm film transferred to DVD, colour, sound, 20:30 min
Camera: Alfons Schilling
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Carolee Schneemann Foundation, Bildrecht, Wien 2024


Carolee Schneemann
Snows, 1967
Film still
16mm film transferred to DVD, colour, sound, 20:30 min
Camera: Alfons Schilling
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Carolee Schneemann Foundation, Bildrecht, Wien 2024



Günter Brus
Selbstverstümmelung, 1965 
Film still
8mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, silent, 4:53 min
Camera: Kurt Kren
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, donation by the artist, 2010
© Günter Brus


Günter Brus
Selbstverstümmelung, 1965 
Film still
8mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, silent, 4:53 min
Camera: Kurt Kren
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, donation by the artist, 2010
© Günter Brus


03b Brus
03b Brus

Günter Brus
Self Mutilation, 1965 
8mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, silent, 4 min 53 sec
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, gift from the artist, 2010, with permission of the artist 2010
© Günter Brus


Günter Brus
Self Mutilation, 1965 
8mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, silent, 4 min 53 sec
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, gift from the artist, 2010, with permission of the artist 2010
© Günter Brus


04a Wilke
04a Wilke

Hannah Wilke
Gestures, 1974 
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 35:30 min 
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Bildrecht, Wien 2024

Hannah Wilke
Gestures, 1974 
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 35:30 min 
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Bildrecht, Wien 2024

04b Wilke
04b Wilke

Hannah Wilke
Gestures, 1974 
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 35:30 min 
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Bildrecht, Wien 2024


Hannah Wilke
Gestures, 1974 
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 35:30 min 
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired in 2014
© Bildrecht, Wien 2024



Metanoia, 2011
Film still
29 Film and video works from 1968 to 2010, DVD No. 28: TOUCH CINEMA, 1968-1969
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 1:11 min
Camera: Peter Weibel
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011
VALIE EXPORT © VALIE EXPORT / Bildrecht, Wien 2024


Metanoia, 2011
Film still
29 Film and video works from 1968 to 2010, DVD No. 28: TOUCH CINEMA, 1968-1969
Video transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 1:11 min
Camera: Peter Weibel
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011
VALIE EXPORT © VALIE EXPORT / Bildrecht, Wien 2024



Metanoia, 2011
Film still
29 Film and video works from 1968 to 2010, DVD No. 14: HYPERBULIA, 1973 
16mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 6:25 min
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011
VALIE EXPORT © VALIE EXPORT / Bildrecht, Wien 2024

Metanoia, 2011
Film still
29 Film and video works from 1968 to 2010, DVD No. 14: HYPERBULIA, 1973 
16mm film transferred to DVD, b/w, sound, 6:25 min
mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, acquired with support of BKA, Sektion Kunst 2011
VALIE EXPORT © VALIE EXPORT / Bildrecht, Wien 2024

06 Jenkins
06 Jenkins

Ulysses Jenkins
Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, colour, sound, 23:52 min
Courtesy of the artist and Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York


Ulysses Jenkins
Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Film still
Video transferred to DVD, colour, sound, 23:52 min
Courtesy of the artist and Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York


07 Exhibition view
07 Exhibition view

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024 
Günter Brus, Zerreissprobe, 1970
Kurt Kren, 38/79 Sentimental Punk, 1979
Ernst Schmidt jr., Einszweidrei, 1965
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024 
Günter Brus, Zerreissprobe, 1970
Kurt Kren, 38/79 Sentimental Punk, 1979
Ernst Schmidt jr., Einszweidrei, 1965
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


08 Exhibition view
08 Exhibition view

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Nam June Paik / Charlotte Moorman, Rare Performance Documents, 1961 – 1994
Ulysses Jenkins, Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Nam June Paik / Charlotte Moorman, Rare Performance Documents, 1961 – 1994
Ulysses Jenkins, Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


09 Exhibition view
09 Exhibition view

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Carolee Schneemann, Snows, 1967
Hannah Wilke, Gestures, 1974 
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Carolee Schneemann, Snows, 1967
Hannah Wilke, Gestures, 1974 
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok


10 Exhibiton view
10 Exhibiton view

Exhibiton view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Joan Jonas, Songdelay, 1973
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

Exhibiton view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Joan Jonas, Songdelay, 1973
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

11 Exhibition view
11 Exhibition view

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Nam June Paik / Charlotte Moorman, Rare Performance Documents, 1961 – 1994
Ulysses Jenkins, Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Chris Burden, Documentation of Selected Works 1971 – 1974, 1971 – 1975
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here, July 5, to August 11, 2024
Nam June Paik / Charlotte Moorman, Rare Performance Documents, 1961 – 1994
Ulysses Jenkins, Two-Zone Transfer, 1979
Chris Burden, Documentation of Selected Works 1971 – 1974, 1971 – 1975
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

12 Exhibition view
12 Exhibition view

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here,  July 5, to August 11, 2024
Günter Brus, Selbstverstümmelung, 1965
Kurt Kren, 10/65 Selbstverstümmelung, 1965
Ernst Schmidt jr., Einszweidrei, 1965
Carolee Schneemann, Up To and Including Her Limits, 1976
Hannah Wilke, Gestures, 1974 
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

Exhibition view: nowhere / now here,  July 5, to August 11, 2024
Günter Brus, Selbstverstümmelung, 1965
Kurt Kren, 10/65 Selbstverstümmelung, 1965
Ernst Schmidt jr., Einszweidrei, 1965
Carolee Schneemann, Up To and Including Her Limits, 1976
Hannah Wilke, Gestures, 1974 
Photo: Klaus Pichler / mumok

Katharina Murschetz
T:+43-1-525 00-1400
F:+43 1 52500-1300

Katharina Kober
T:+43-1-525 00-1309
F:+43 1 52500-1300

Published on July 1, 2024