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Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

July 16, 5 pm

ImPulsTanz Classic
Eszter Salamon
Dance for Nothing (revisited)

ImPulsTanz: Eszter Salamon. Dance for Nothing (revisited)

After 2010, choreographer and filmmaker Eszter Salamon will return to John Cage's groundbreaking Lecture on Nothing (1949), a piece that played a decidedly liberating role not only for the performance art of the 1960s and following, but also for dance. In her choreography Dance for Nothing, presented at ImPulsTanz in 2011, Salamon (also a great performer) combined Cage’s words with her movement. In her new version developed for the gallery space, she focuses on the sonic aspect of this groundbreaking lecture on nothingness, emptiness and composition, combining it with the modulation and transformation of physical movement. Salamon's fusion of body, voice and score creates the framework for a fascinating meditation on nothingness, sounds and interpretation.

ImPulsTanz Classic
Eszter Salamon
Dance for Nothing (revisited)
July 16, 5 pm
Duration: 60’ 

Performance Eszter Salamon

© Sebastian Reiser