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Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Exhibition |

March 17 to June 18, 2017

Hannah Black
Small Room

Hannah Black. Small Room

Curated by Marianne Dobner


For her solo show at mumok, Hannah Black is creating a video installation based on images of processes within individual biological cells. The exhibition will approach the question of collective being, “life” as an abstraction, and the uses of ancestry and lineage. The title Small Room plays with the ambivalence of the word “cell,” which can denote both a biological and a prison cell.

Language, sound, and images are strongly intertwined in Black’s artistic practice. She is especially interested in impasses and overlaps between structural and experiential accounts of reality, world history and personal history, and how we fill in the gaps in between. Her work combines autobiographical fragments with impersonal and theoretical material, translated back and forth through contemporary popular iconography and music.




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Exhibition View: Hannah Black. Small Room
Photo: Klaus Pichler © mumok


Exhibition View: Hannah Black. Small Room
Photo: Klaus Pichler © mumok


Exhibition View: Hannah Black. Small Room
Photo: Klaus Pichler © mumok


Exhibition View: Hannah Black. Small Room
Photo: Klaus Pichler © mumok


Exhibition View: Hannah Black. Small Room
Photo: Klaus Pichler © mumok

Cover of the publication life. Hannah Black, Juliana Huxtable
Catalogue | 2017
Hannah Black. Life