Exhibition |
May 4 to May 29, 2011
Maks Cieślak
Art is a Forbidden Fruit Marmalade
The winner of the Henkel Art.Award. 2010 was the Polish native Maks Cieślak. His cinematic works are characterized by a high level of narrative intensity and originality. Cieślak works with the tools offered by silent films, the aesthetics of amateur movies on YouTube as well as the elements of found footage. In this regard, he is able to approach film as a medium in a completely undogmatic and sometimes humorous manner. He uses the history of motion pictures, myths of media history such as Yuri Gagarin's flight in space or a Doors concert as material to create a highly unconventional cinematic language. Some of his works, such as Doctor Faustus or Cloud Nine, can be seen as extremely angry satires on the art scene.
Exhibition Partner: Polnisches Institut Wien