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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Exhibition |

March 15 to September 7, 2025

Contact M

Park McArthur

The exhibition Park McArthur. Contact M brings together, for the first time, artworks made between the 2010s and 2020s. These artworks and the forms they take are guided by personal and social meanings of disability, delay, and dependency.

Co-organized by mumok in Vienna and Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, the exhibition is a collaboration between both institutions and will be presented simultaneously at both locations. Questions of simultaneous experience and access to art and culture shape this project’s format and purpose.


Curated by Matthias Michalka, mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien and Susanne Titz and Alke Heykes, Museum Abteiberg, Möchengladbach

Contact M

mumok Abteiberg



with Constantina Zavitsanos



with domingo castillo flores

Like You

Waiting it Out

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A collection of wooden and metal ramps arranged on the gallery’s floor in a structured yet fragmented manner. The materials show signs of wear, with some featuring chipped paint and rust. A wall-mounted artwork composed of aluminum panels made from Austrian highway signs, blank yet retaining their original format, is mounted to an alcove wall in the background.

Park McArthur
Contact M at mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, 2025
Installation view of Ramps, 2014 and Missions, 2025
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A sculpture of oversized black letters painted onto white museum walls. From this view, the letters spell “Proiects,” with the “j” of “Projects” appearing as an “i:” some letters are cut off by the gallery’s doorways and corners. On the image’s right sits a small sculpture on a white plinth. In the image’s center, another rectangular sculpture, much larger and made of pastel blue polyurethane foam, partially obscures the gallery’s glass entrance and view into the museum’s lobby.

Park McArthur
Contact M at mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, 2025
Installation view of Is this an investment, pied-à-terre, or primary residence?, 2018, Polyurethane Foam, 2025, and Contact M, 2025 
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A pair of headphones connected to a portable audio device lie on a grid of dark leather bench cushions.

Park McArthur
Contact M, 2025
Stainless steel, pamphlets, audio (German and English)
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel


A wide gallery view of multiple artworks, including two large sculptures made of unadorned American and Austrian highway signs. These sculptures resemble one another in their dimension, composition, and softly reflective aluminum surfaces. To the left, a rubber loading dock bumper is bolted to the gallery wall. In the foreground sit two dark leather museum benches and four sculptures made of tall metal stands from which torn pajama pants of various patterns, colors, and fabrics hang.

Park McArthur
Contact M at mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, 2025
Installation view of Passive Vibration Isolation 4, 2014, Softly, Effectively, 2017, Missions, 2025, and Black & White Plaid CommodeBreakfast CommodePink Love CommodeCalvin Klein Commode, 2014 
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



An artwork showing two pamphlets inside of a stainless tray on a white plinth. The pamphlets’ stapled binding is positioned back to back, creating two slopes and a central peak. The view also shows the gallery’s entrance looking into the museum lobby and a close crop of large black letters on the museum’s white wall spelling "ects."

Park McArthur
Contact M at mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, 2025
Installation view of Contact M, 2025, Is this an investment, pied-à-terre, or primary residence?, 2018 
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



In the foreground sits a white pedestal holding a stainless steel tray filled with barrier creams, a pair of blue foam heel protectors, and individually packaged bandages. In the background, large black text partially spelling "k MAr" stretches across a white wall into an alcove leading to another section of the gallery.

Park McArthur
Contact M at mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, 2025
Installation view of Contact F, 2016, Is this an investment, pied-à-terre, or primary residence?, 2018 
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A small ramp with a yellow and red striped pattern, placed directly on the gallery floor. Positioned in front of large windows, the ramp contrasts with the surrounding architecture. Natural light fills the room, with a backdrop of trees and a cityscape visible through the glass

Park McArthur
Untitled, 2014
Courtesy of the artist 
Collection David Kordansky & Mindy Shapero, Los Angeles
Photo: Simon Vogel



A sculpture in the form of text on a wall. From this view painted oversized black lowercase and uppercase letters spell “Proie-thu”. The lettering is cropped due to the camera angle as well as the room’s layout. The text wraps around the space and interacts with white support columns, above which angular fluorescent lighting is installed

Park McArthur
Is this an investment, pied-à-terre, or primary residence?, 2018
Paint on wall
Altered Museum of Modern Art Projects logo scaled to gallery dimensions 9.8 x 59 m as installed at Museum Abteiberg
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A freestanding rectangular sculpture made of blue polyurethane foam. In the background, high on a wall above a set of stairs, a sculpture of stacked ventilator filters hangs. The filter sculpture is visually framed by a design element: a cut out in the museum wall. The gallery space has high ceilings, arched architectural elements, and staircases leading to different levels.

Park McArthur
Contact M at Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2025
Installation view of Extended Fantasy, 2023 and Polyurethane Foam, 2025
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A wall-mounted artwork composed of aluminum panels made from German highway signs, blank yet retaining their original format. The signs are arranged in a layered horizontal composition and the entire composition hangs centered between two white columns.]

Park McArthur
Missions, 2025
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A pair of headphones connected to an iPod lie on a grid-like arrangement of large, square leather cushions that are tan in color. The cushions have visible creases and signs of wear.

Park McArthur
Contact M, 2025
Stainless steel, pamphlets, audio (German and English)
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel



A tall stack of letter-sized pamphlets offered inside of a shallow stainless steel tray. The tray rests on a white pedestal in a gallery space with a curved marble staircase in the background.

Park McArthur
Contact M, 2025
Stainless steel, pamphlets, audio (German and English)
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Simon Vogel

In cooperation with