Learning by Heart
Observing, imitating, revisiting the forgotten, remembering. The program Learning by Heart brings together a series of films that look into the hidden facets of learning, teaching, and the intergenerational connections created by it. The program includes abstract and intimate images of translating experience into individual languages of empathy, memory, and resistance. It is a compliment to the ease we once learned with, the joy we felt, and our yearning for knowledge.
Eva Giolo, A Tongue Called Mother, 2019, 18 min
Isadora Romero, Blood is a Seed, 2021, 7 min
Raphael Reichl, Ahuehuete. The Ancient Water Tree, 2021, 6 min
Galina Georghieva, French Cinema, 2019, 20 min
Emily Wardill, The Palace, 2013, 7 min
Luis De Filippis, For Nonna Anna, 2018, 13 min
Introduction in English
The program was curated by Florian Boschek, Khadisha Dabayeva, Pierina Erazo, Leander Gussmann, Lu Han, Ronja Janu, Felix Maier, Laura Oyuela, Adam Salomvari, Paul Schmidt, Moritz Wildburger, and Yana Zhelyazkova. It was developed in the context of the seminar Learning by Heart at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.