The exclusive circle as support for the mumok
mumok board
Together with about 50 selected persons from the worlds of art and culture, and business and politics, make your contribution in your own field to raising awareness of the significance and activities of mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien. Be active in presenting the museum’s interests and help to ensure that mumok remains one of the most important international museums for modern art.
Your membership donation can also be given by a business, and with it you will secure the finances for purchasing significant new art for the museum collection or contribute to special projects such as catalogue production or special events. You will be a welcome partner in fundraising projects and support mumok as an advisor. You will contribute to the success and reputation of the museum with your own enthusiasm for modern and contemporary art.
In return for your commitment and loyalty to the museum, mumok thanks Board members with the mentioning on the roll of honor in the foyer of the museum as well as a number of benefits. These include exclusive excursions with the museum director, studio and gallery visits, insight into private collections, and visits to art events and fairs. Board activities also include participation in artists’ talks led by Karola Kraus and our curators and exclusive invitations to receptions, gala dinners, and mumok previews and parties.
Ing. Franz Rappold
Entrepreneur and Founder Rafra Consulting GmbH, Wien
President of the mumok Board
Dr. Axel Anderl & Dr. Kathrin Weber
Collector and Operator ArtWorldVienna
Partner DORDA Rechtsanwälte & Partnerin Torggler Rechtsanwälte
Dr. Gertraud Bogner
Mag. Martin Böhm
Managing Director, Dorotheum
Susanne Breiner
S.E.A Invest Breiner
Georg Dunekamp & Robert Ludl
Weihburg Interiors GmbH
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred & Dr. Eva Frey
Mag. Roman & Dr. Margot Fuchs
Carl Fuss
Board Director, Unita Immobilien AG
Dr. Lisa-Marie und Dr. Alexander Geberth
DDr. Gerlis Grabner
Dental Practice Dentalcenter
Dr. Peter Goldscheider
Goldscheider Keramik GmbH | EPIC GmbH
Nina Gscheider
Dr. Thomas Haffner
Haffner & Keschmann Patentanwälte
Dr. Christian Hauer
Hon.-Prof. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Christian & Dr. Franziska Hausmaninger, LLM
Hausmaninger Kletter Rechtsanwälte
Mag. Casandra Hermann
taxservices StB und UB GmbH
taxservices4you StB GmbH
Mag. Andrea Jungmann
Managing Director, Sotheby’s Wien
Wilhelm Kader
Mag. Agatha Kalandra, MBA
Partnerin, PwC Österreich
Dkfm. Herbert Kejda
Centron Europe GmbH
Kommerzialrat Christian Knobloch
Donata Krings
Mag. Ursula & Mag. Richard Kwizda
Managing Director, Kwizda Holding GmbH
Dr. Christoph Leon
Christoph Leon Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Dr. Günther Malek
Trinicum Gruppe
Michael Graf von Medem
Dr. Holger Ottleben
Mag. Mag. Dr. Renate Pimmer B.A.
retired Attorney, retired Senate President of OLG Wien
Hon. Prof. Dr. Herbert Pimmer
Of Counsel bei Dorda Rechtsanwälte, Senatspräsident des OGH i.R.
Mag. Harald Podoschek
Managing Director, Deposit Insurance at Banken und Bankiers GmbH
Dr. Peter Polak, LL.M.
Polak & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Dr. Clemens Rauhs
Mag. Richard Rella
Dr. Yorck Schmidt
Board Member and CFO, AVL List GmbH
Ing. Karl-Heinz Strauss
Board Director, PORR AG Alexia Stuefer
Soyer Kier Stuefer Attorneys at Law
Siv Sundfær, MSc, MBA & DDr. Christian Köck
HCC Health Care Company
Dr. Arno Tertschnig
Jurist and Collector
Dr. Christoph Tremmel
Executive Partner, SKB Industrieholding
Birgit Vollmeier & Yudi Warsosumarto
PEACH Kommunikationsagentur GmbH
Viktoria Wulffen
Dr. Thomas Zottl
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
Mag. Dr. Johannes Attems
former Chairman of the mumok Board of Trustees
Univ. Doz. Dr. Dieter Bogner
Managing Director, bogner.knoll, museum planning
Sylvia Eisenburger Kunz
Secretary General of Gesellschaft der Freunde der bildenden Künste
Prof. Dr. Rainer Jacobs
Attorney, Cologne
Prof. Edelbert Köb
former mumok General Director
Egidio Marzona
Andra Spallart
Dr. Alfred Fogarassy
Telos Consulting GmbH
Hesso zu Leiningen
longtime President of the mumok Board
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Franz Wojda (verstorben)
Karin Kirste
T: +43-1-525 00-1318
F: +43-1-525 00-1300