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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Spoerri, Daniel

L'optique moderne

1961 - 1962
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1/4© mumok
2/4© mumok
3/4© mumok
4/4© mumok
Object description Wooden board with optical devices and objects form various artists i.e., Yves Klein, Meret Oppenheim, Raymond Hains, Erik Dietman
Object category sculpture
Objektmaß: height: 125 cm, width: 70 cm, depth: 60 cm
Year of acquisition 1978
Inventory number B 521/0
Creditline mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, ehemals Sammlung Hahn, Köln
Rights reference Bildrecht, Wien
Further information about the person Spoerri, Daniel [GND] | Spoerri, Daniel [ULAN]
Literature museum moderner kunst.SAMMLUNG HAHN
Nouveau Réalisme. Schwerpunkte der Sammlung
New Realisms : 1957 - 1962 : Object Strategies Between Readymade and Spectacle [ ... accompanying an exhibition opening at the Museo Nacional Centro Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid in the spring of 2010]
Daniel Spoerri : Ein Augenblick für eine Ewigkeit [Katalog zur Ausstellung ..., Kunsthalle Krems, 21. November 2010 bis 20. Februar 2011]
annees Pop : 1956 - 1968 ; exposition presentee au Centre Pompidou, Galerie 1, 15 mars - 18 juin 2001

For Daniel Spoerri every form of art presents an optical lesson. Artistic interventions draw attention to areas or situations of everyday life that we usually never even register. This understanding of art comes to the fore in his collection of spectacles L’optique moderne, which he began in Copenhagen in 1961 and first displayed one year later. The glasses and optical instruments were fitted to a three-piece wooden set and juxtaposed with nails, spirals, gills, and ventilators, partly provided by artists like Raymond Hains and Meret Oppenheim or specifically created for this purpose. Parallel to the collection Spoerri took photographs of himself wearing every pair of these glasses. These photos were eventually published in 1963 in a Fluxus publication with comments by Francois Dufrêne in a text entitled Inutile notules that uses phonetic French and creates new words. L’optique moderne is thus enriched by an augmented understanding of language. One of the comments refers to the poet Emmett Williams, who snatched a pair of glasses from Fluxus artist Robert Filliou’s nose, broke them in two, trampled on them, eventually packed them pulverized in an envelope and sent them Daniel Spoerri.