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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €


Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Weibel, Peter

Österreich-Zimmer (mit einem Gasherd zur Erzeugung echt österreichischer Stimmung)

Austria Room (with a gas stove to create a true Austrian atmosphere)
© mumok
Object description Closed circuit video installation, room set with different materials and furniture in the style of the 50s, 1 video camera, monitor, white and red color, photographs of the Austrian Federal President
Object category installations
Year of acquisition 2015
Inventory number MP 85/0
Creditline Sammlung Dieter und Gertraud Bogner im mumok
Rights reference Rieger, Ulrike
Further information about the person Weibel, Peter [GND]