September 25, 2020 to May 30, 2021
Guesting at mumok: The Hidden Treasures of the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities of Kunsthistorisches Museum and Weltmuseum Wien
RAID THE ICEBOX 1 with Andy Warhol is seen as one of the earliest examples of a collection exhibition curated by an artist. Warhol worked with the holdings of the Museum of Art at the Rhode Island School of Design. The museum storage became an exhibition; what had almost been forgotten was placed in the limelight. Following Warhol’s curatorial principles, mumok takes this exhibition as an occasion to implement those unusual presentation strategies in so important a historic collection as that of Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum.
In keeping with Warhol’s motto of “raiding the icebox,” mumok will devote an entire level to the Antiques Collection’s and Weltmuseum Wien’s storages. Taking inspiration from Warhol’s atypical list of works—among other things, he presented 2 vases, 7 blankets, 9 baskets, 10 hat boxes, 11 keys, 12 sculptures (copies), 12 wallpapers, 17 chairs, 57 umbrellas, and 194 pairs of shoes—the focus here is placed on selected works from the Weltmuseum Collection (Warhol was a fanatic collector of American Folk Art) as well as Greek and Roman sculpture fragments from the Antiques Collection.
Curated by Marianne Dobner
This project was supported by the Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation
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Katharina Murschetz
T:+43-1-525 00-1400
F:+43 1 52500-1300
Katharina Kober
T:+43-1-525 00-1309
F:+43 1 52500-1300