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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Wednesday, November 13, 6.30 pm, ifk

Her Mother's Voice. Eine Art Selbstbetrachtung
Liliane Lijn & Gaby Hartel

Her Mother's Voice. Eine Art Selbstbetrachtung | Liliane Lijn & Gaby Hartel

Born in New York in 1939 as the daughter of Jewish refugees, Liliane Lijn has been a protagonist in contemporary art since the 1960s. Having grown up in a vibrant environment surrounded by six spoken languages, Lijn has also been involved in Spoken Word Literature for fifty years, with a particular interest in the magic of language, the sound of words and the physicality of the voice. One of her linguistic artworks, Her Mother's Voice, is based on interviews she conducted with her mother, seeking to trace not only her own past, but also the nature of her mother as a migrant existence. The strong accent of the mother's voice tells as much about the flight across Europe as it does about the events experienced along the way—or their expressive omission.


Gaby Hartel translated this work polymedially during her time as ifk Translator in Residence in 2019/20: from English into German, from the book page into acoustic art. The Hörspiel subsequently produced together with the artist (by Deutschlandfunk in 2022) will be presented at ifk where a temporary listening station will be launched.



November 13, 2024, 6.30 pm,  ifk – Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften Kunstuniversität Linz in Wien; Reichsratsstraße 17, 1010 Vienna

More Information

Image: Portrait of Liliane Lijn, Photo: © Stephen Weiss