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Select Tickets:

Select Day:
  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €
Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

mumok House Rules

mumok House Rules

1. These rules apply to all premises belonging to the mumok (Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien) at its Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna address. All persons who enter these premises are bound by these rules. All mumok staff and in particular security and supervisory staff are responsible for implementing these rules.

2. Entrance tickets apply for single entrance to the exhibition galleries during published hours of opening, and are not transferable. Purchasing an entrance ticket also implies acceptance of the mumok General Terms of Business. On leaving the building, entrance tickets lose their validity. If it is necessary to leave the mumok building for a short time during a visit, this can be agreed with cash-desk personnel. The purchase of entrance tickets may be refused. Special terms apply for free or reduced entrance prices, and these are displayed at the cash desk. Monies paid for guided tours cannot be refunded in case of non-participation. Work undertaken to set up and dismantle exhibitions in the galleries may lead to restrictions of access. Upon entering the mumok premises you permit mumok to publish image and video recordings made during your visit. This takes place in conjunction with events and also during general visits. You may notify us of objections to this under

Events in particular are filmed and photographed for purposes of documentation. These films and photos may contain images of one or several visitors. Upon entering the event, visitors declare that they agree to the publication of images and film material (including for advertising purposes on our homepage or in social media, for example). Our data protection rules are displayed in the museum entrance area, and you will find further information on our use of data and your rights there. You can notify us of objections under

3. Instructions by security and supervisory staff must be followed at all times.

4. Touching exhibits is prohibited.

5. It is prohibited to climb over barriers.

6. Unless a general restriction applies and is displayed, photographing and filming exhibited works is permissible only within the scope of the free usage of works for private purposes and not for indirect or direct commercial purposes, and only without the use of flash, tripods, or selfie sticks. All further use, in particular publication in social media, is prohibited. Specific conditions may apply to special exhibitions, and notice given in the exhibition galleries must be complied with. The use of tripods, flash, or other lighting equipment is only permissible after prior permission from the press department. Photography and film permission for the purposes of journalism, commerce, or academic purposes is available from the relevant mumok departments.

7. Telephoning is prohibited in the exhibition galleries.

8. Eating and drinking is only permissible in designated areas (catering area on Level 0 and the rentable event areas). In particular, entering the exhibition with food or drink is expressly prohibited.

9. The consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in the whole museum, except the catering area on Level 0 and the event areas (Hofstallung, mumok Lounge, mumok kino) available for rent.

10. Smoking is prohibited in the museum area. Relevant fire safety regulations apply.

11. It is not permitted to bring pets into the mumok, except dogs for persons with visual disabilities (documentary proof must be presented on request).

12. It is prohibited to bring dangerous items, weapons, etc., into the mumok. Security and supervisory staff are authorized to check bags.

13. Overcoats, umbrellas, sticks, bags larger than approx. 28 x 35 cm school satchels, rucksacks, scooters, and bicycles may not be taken into the exhibition galleries and must be deposited in the cloakroom. They may not be left anywhere else. mumok assumes no liability for items left in the cloakroom or in lockers. Very large items of luggage may not be left in the cloakroom. To protect works of art, damp or wet items of clothing are not permitted in the exhibition galleries and must be left in the cloakroom.

14. Emergency exits may only be used in case of emergency. All corridors, emergency exits, and other exits must not be blocked. Items of furniture, armchairs, or benches may not be moved.

15. In case of a fire alarm all mumok security personnel instructions must be strictly followed. Leave the building by the shortest possible route. Elevators may not be used.

16. For security reasons, the entire museum area is under cctv surveillance. mumok reserves the right to pass these recordings onto relevant authorities and courts in case of need and subsequent to official request.

17. There is a bell for wheelchair users at the mumok main entrance. When this bell is rung, mumok security personnel are informed and are obliged to offer assistance. Inside the building, mumok has wheelchair elevators, which may only be used by wheelchair users and people with walking disabilities. Stair lifts may only be used under the supervision of trained personnel. In case of need please refer to the mumok staff or our central security office under telephone +43 1 52500-1425.

18. The mumok premises may only be entered via the designated entrances and gateways when these are opened to accommodate current requirements. Persons who are not mumok employees may only enter non-exhibition spaces within the building after prior registration and in matters of business, or with express permission of the mumok management.

19. Posters and other advertising materials may only be placed in or on the building by mumok staff, after prior permission of the mumok management, and only in the designated areas and in accordance with available space.

20. Visitors are liable for any direct damage and subsequent damage they cause to the mumok building, artworks, or any portable furnishings and equipment. Damage caused through not respecting these House Rules and Regulations and accident-prevention rules are subject to complete personal liability. Children and minors may only enter the exhibition galleries accompanied by an adult. Parents are liable for their children. The supervising adult is liable for groups of children and school groups.

21. Found objects will be deposited in the cloakroom and handed to owners upon proof of ownership.

22. In cases of gross violation of these House Rules and Regulations or other inappropriate behavior, security personnel are authorized to request visitors to leave the building and they may also permanently refuse right of entry. There is no right of refund of entrance monies in this case.

23. At particularly busy times security personnel are authorized to temporarily close the whole museum or specific galleries to further visitors for security reasons. There is no right of refund of entrance monies in this case.

24. Outside of museum opening hours, persons who are not mumok employees are prohibited from entering the mumok and all its premises without prior registration and permission. Exception: rented/leased areas as well as when it is necessary for business purposes.

25. Tenants and leaseholders guarantee compliance with these House Rules and Regulations. They further guarantee to handle all objects, rooms, and items they use appropriately and with care, and to comply with non-smoking rules. Entering rented/leased rooms is only permitted upon presentation of valid ID or accompanied by museum personnel, and does not entitle access to museum galleries. Tenants and leaseholders are only permitted to decorate rooms used for events or other rooms after prior permission from mumok and in accordance with mumok instructions. Tenants and leaseholders are liable for all damage caused. Fire-resistant materials must be used at all times, in reference to the applicable fire safety regulations. Tenants and leaseholders are obliged to control noise levels of any equipment they use in the rented or leased rooms, ensuring that other events or exhibition galleries are not disturbed. We refer in this context to the mumok General Terms of Rental.