mumok visits
During mumok Renovations 2024
During the renovation of the building, an extensive program with alternatives to the museum visit awaits you.
Together with Karola Kraus or the mumok curators, art lovers get a chance to visit the studios of artists from the mumok collection, including Liesl Raff, Sonja Leimer, Laurence Sturla, and Tobias Pils. These small-group tours offer an exclusive peek into the artists’ different working methods, creating a deeper understanding of the mumok collection.
Along with the new website the participative collection-research and education project Ludwig goes digital! as well as the project Lerncommunities, sponsored by the Viennese Chamber of Labor, will present the first results of their work during the museum’s closure.
The Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien opened its doors in 1962 as the Museum of the 20th Century (later 21er Haus) in the Schweizergarten. It was housed in the Austrian pavilion, which was originally conceived by Karl Schwanzer for the EXPO in Brussels in 1958. Head curator Rainer Fuchs (he oversaw the museum’s relocation into MuseumsQuartier in 2001) and Luisa Ziaja (head curator of the Belvedere) will show participants the place where mumok was founded.
1979 saw the opening of Palais Liechtenstein in the 9th district of Vienna, which was rented as a second exhibition venue due to a lack of space at 20er Haus. There will be a guided tour with head curator Rainer Fuchs.
In the gardens and interiors of Schloss Buchberg, artists conceive site-specific works in an exciting interplay with the historic architecture and the surrounding landscape. In recent years, the artists were selected in a close collaboration between the collectors Gertraud and Dieter Bogner and the director and curators of mumok.
A visit to the Christian Hauer Collection is also planned. Chief curator Eva Badura-Triska will give a guided tour of the Vienna Actionism Museum, which houses works on loan from the mumok collection.
Furthermore, we will visit foundations representing important artists of the mumok collection, such as the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation and the Maria Lassnig Foundation.
The city of Vienna invigorates public spaces with permanent and temporary artistic projects. These spaces thus become places of sociopolitical and cultural debate. In the coming months, mumok will be conducting walking tours with artists from the mumok collection and mumok curators or art educators to view selected public artworks. One of the stops will be the train station in Meidling, where Christian Kosmas Mayer is currently realizing an 80-meter-long installation.
We are also planning tours of public spaces associated with our museum, its history, and the works and artists in our collection. This thematic bridge connects the dots between various events from the city’s history as well as seemingly distant occurrences like the Habsburg Brothers’ Quarrel or the Vienna Walk.
During the five-month closure, mumok’s educational programs are continued in a series of innovative formats. The art education team closely collaborates with Viennese schools, focusing on basic digital education by offering coding workshops on the subject of AI.
Established in 2020, the successful hybrid educational format based on computer programming as well as current teaching and learning research is continued during the closure period (in the form of in-house visits at the library and the photo studio).
Find dates and more Information here.
From February to May 2024, there will be creative workshops in cooperation with the Göttlicher Heiland hospital for all interested patients. The project aims to convey information about the works in the mumok collections and to employ creative means to explore various artistic techniques. Among other things, this is to give patients an opportunity to improve their wellbeing through creative self-expression and making new acquaintances.