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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Spoerri, Daniel

Hahns Abendmahl

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1/5© mumok
2/5© mumok
3/5© mumok
4/5© mumok
5/5© mumok
Object description Various objects mounted on wooden board
Object category sculpture
Objektmaß: height: 200 cm, width: 200 cm, depth: 38 cm
Year of acquisition 1978
Inventory number B 515/0
Creditline mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, ehemals Sammlung Hahn, Köln
Rights reference Bildrecht, Wien
Further information about the person Spoerri, Daniel [GND] | Spoerri, Daniel [ULAN]
Literature Lovis-Corinth-Preis 2016 DANIEL SPOERRI.Das offene Kunstwerk
Histoires de l'alimentation. De quoi manger est-il le nom?
Museum der Wünsche
Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien
Porträts. Aus der Sammlung
museum moderner kunst.SAMMLUNG HAHN
Nouveau Réalisme. Schwerpunkte der Sammlung
I Love Pop. Europa-Usa anni '60. Mitologie del quotidiano
Szene des Begehrens

„Henchman of chance, this could be my job description. “ At the beginning of the Sixties Daniel Spoerri develops the idea of the trap painting from the intention to create art in the context of everyday experience. Chance arrangements of objects are fixed unchanged on their underlay, the object as it were fall into Spoerri’s trap. Only their position in relation to the spectator is changed. By tilting the everyday horizontal plane into the vertical, the result is removed from is natural environment and declared the artwork. “Hahn’s Supper” was created at the explicit request by collector Wolfgang Hahn and is the result of a studious planning. On the occasion of the picture’s production a supper is held on Hahn’s house on May the 23rd of 1964 in which 16 people took part. The invited guests are furnishers at the same time and have to bring their own crockery. Daniel Spoerri is both cook and master of ceremonies, he decides when the meal is over, then trades the cooking pot for a glue pot and freezes the chance composition as a kind of three-dimensional snapshot. Expanding this principle the artist founded the restaurant Spoerri in 1968 in Düsseldorf, where guests could have their table mummified after the end of dinner.

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Due to copyright reasons, we are not allowed to show this image. Please contact for related inquiries.

Spoerri, Daniel
Tischer, Manfred
Hahns Abendmahl, Dokumentationsfotografien

Due to copyright reasons, we are not allowed to show this image. Please contact for related inquiries.

Spoerri, Daniel
Tischer, Manfred
Hahns Abendmahl, Dokumentationsfotografie