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Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

Klien, Erika Giovanna

Kinetische Komposition (Kopf und Hände)

Kinetic Composition (Head and Hands)
1921 - 1922
Object description Oil over charcoal on paper
Object category painting
Support: paper
object: Kohle, oil paint
object: oil paintings
object size: height: 21 cm, width: 31 cm
frame dimension: height: 48 cm, width: 58,5 cm, depth: 5 cm
Year of acquisition 1978
Inventory number B 561/0
Creditline mumok - Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Schenkung Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
Further information about the person Klien, Erika Giovanna [GND]
Literature Laboratorium Moderne/Bildende Kunst, Fotografie und Film im Aufbruch
Erika Giovanna Klien : 1900 - 1957 ; eine Ausstellung des Museums moderner Kunst im Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Wien, 30. März - 10. Mai 1987
Hauptwerke des Museums Moderner Kunst in Wien : von Gustav Klimt bis Andy Warhol ; Frankfurter Kunstverein, Steinernes Haus am Römerberg, Frankfurt am Main, 26.8. - 1.10.1989

The artist Erika Giovanna Klien, who was born in Borgo di Valsugana in Trentino, studied from 1919 to 1924 at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts which since the days of the Secession had the reputation for being a progressive educational institution and workplace for visual artists. Following the Jugendstil tradition, courses were given in ornamental forms under the leadership of Franz Cizek. In the first half of the Twenties this lead to an intensive discursive examination of with the international avantgarde. Taking as his model Italian Futurism and its visualization of dynamic processes of movement as the central artistic concern, Cizek developed so-called kineticism. “Kinetic Composition (Head and Hands)” by Erika Giovanna Klien, the most independent of Cizek’s students, is a prominent example of this trend. Despite extensive abstraction, there is still a residual representationality — the folded hands and one head at the top left. These could be completely cut out, however, to be replaced by pure forms completely disassociated from natural motives.

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Oberhuber, Oswald
Kopf, Willi
Museum im Museum