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  • mumok Ticket
  • Regular
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Students under 27 years of age
    0,00 €
  • Reduced – Seniors aged 65 and over or with a senior citizens pass
    0,00 €
  • Reduced - Children and young persons under 19
    0,00 €


Opening hours

Tuesday to Sunday

10 am to 6 pm

November 30, 2018 to May 5, 2019  

Painting with Method
Neoavantgarde Positions from the mumok Collection

Painting with Method

The Neoavantgarde of the 1960s and 1970s is characterized by its radical breaks with tradition, by redefinitions of creative approaches and artistic media. The emergence of media-based art and the link between the theory and practice of art, in turn, led to innovative forms of painting. The general tendency to abandon figurative, or gestural-abstract painting went hand in hand with the emergence of focused, formal and configured work structures referencing the general conditions of image and painting, as well as links to new art forms and media. By means of selected works from the collection, the mumok exhibits various developmental lines in this painting.
Important works are shown by, among others, Josef Albers, Alan Charlton, Helen Frankenthaler, Roland Goeschl, Ellsworth Kelly, Richard Kriesche, Morris Louis, Karel Malich, Brice Marden, Agnes Martin, Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski, Helga Philipp, Hermann Painitz, Larry Poons, Ad Reinhardt, Gerhard Richter, Henryk Stażewski, Frank Stella or Zdeněk Sýkora.

Curated by Rainer Fuchs

Published on November 30, 2018